Books to Read


The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer. A book that walks through various attributes of God. It’s a perfect book to read in times of great distress and crisis.

The Cross Centered Life by C.J. Mahaney. A short book that exposes our self-reliance instead of God’s grace in the work of Christ.

The Gospel According to Jesus by John MacArthur. A classic by MacArthur where he presents clearly the demands of the Gospel of Christ from the gospel narratives. It was written during the Lordship Salvation controversy but remains relevant in today’s age of “easy believism.”


Knowing God by J. I. Packer. A classic by J.I. Packer through a series of small studies on a big subject. Allow Packer to help your theology transform into God-exalting doxology. In times of crisis or pain, knowing the “bigness” of your God is a much-needed remedy.

Sinners in the Hands of a Good God by David Clotfelter. A book borrows a title from Jonathan Edwards’s most famous sermon, sinners in the hands of an angry God. Clotfelter offers a very accessible book on the difficult subject of God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility.

Missions by Andy Johnson. A short book that explains a very practical and biblical approach to missions.

The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon by Steve Lawson. A very brief biography of Charles Spurgeon and the centrality of the Gospel in his life and ministry.

The Pleasures of God by John Piper. This is a meaty book that explains the absolute happiness (or pleasure) of God. Piper teases out that idea to explore profound theology (borrowed much from Jonathan Edwards) regarding our affections and joys that are most glorifying when we find them rooted in God’s pleasures and joys.

Meet the Real Jesus by John Blanchard. An excellent book on apologetics regarding the person and work of Jesus. It introduces you to a very biblical Christology.