The Cornerstone Bible Institute


The Cornerstone Bible Institute (CBI) meets on Sundays from 9-10am.  CBI replaced TCBC’s Adult Sunday School, providing classes that seek to equip men and women who desire to grow in their understanding of the Word of God.  Classes offered will include Hermeneutics, Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey, Systematic Theology, Discipleship, Biblical Counseling, and more.

Why are we providing formal Bible education?

Most view formal Bible training as something for those who are “called” to ministry, and Bible education is often limited for those who desire to become pastors, leaders, and missionaries. Busy Christian singles, parents, students who want to grow in their understanding of the Word of God often do not have the opportunity to attend formal Bible training.

CBI desires to train and equip all Christians who have a desire to learn the Word of God, giving them the opportunity to get bible training and education within the context of the local church.

What are the levels of participation?

We understand that not everyone will have the same desire or pace of learning, and so we are offering three levels of participation:

CREDIT: TCBC members can receive credit for courses as they work towards a CBI certificate by regularly attending classes and completing short reading assignments, quizzes/exams, and writing assignments.

AUDIT: TCBC members who are not interested in achieving a CBI certificate can audit the classes by attending regularly and completing the short reading assignments. No quizzes, exams, or written assignments will be required.

GUEST: All guests and non-members of TCBC are always welcome to attend.

What are the certificates offered from CBI?

Three certificates are being offered at CBI. Each certificate requires completion of the following courses:

BIBLE CERTIFICATE: Hermeneutics, Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey

THEOLOGY CERTIFICATE: Bible certificate requirements plus three theology courses: Theology Proper, Bibliology, and Soteriology

COUNSELING CERTIFICATE: Bible certificate requirements plus three counseling courses: Biblical Counseling, Christian Discipleship, and Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

What is the cost of enrollment?

For the first graduating class of CBI, we are offering all the courses for free!  Future enrollment costs will be taken into account should the Lord bless this endeavor and more students enroll and benefit.  Students are responsible for purchasing/downloading any of the assigned reading materials.

Listen to archived CBI sessions by clicking here.
