He Is With Us
In times of uncertainty and in times of deep worry and anxiety are often the moments when we are tempted to believe that God is far away.
Why would this happen to me? It must be because you don’t care!
Why would you allow this to happen? It must be because you don’t love me!
God, where are you? Surely you’re not here because none of this would be happening if you were!
If you’ve thought this, and probably have thought it recently, you are certainly not alone! Such is the reality of struggle that we still have fallen natures and sinful hearts. We can forget God, and who He is, so easily. Why is it that we can praise him so….effortlessly when things are good and when things are comfortable. Yet, when our “normal” lives come to a screeching halt we are upended, struggle to cope, and feel as if things are out of control! So…are things out of control?
Dear saints God knows us so well because he knows as sheep we tend to forget. We are tempted to forget that He absolutely sovereign over everything. We tend to forget that He is good and does good. We tend to forget that He is intimately close to us, not far. Christ is near to you! Christ indwells you!
“The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever” (1 Peter 1:24–25). His words cannot be broken (John 10:35). Let’s stop watching the news, let’s stop reading articles that have obvious bents and obvious slants, rather, let us search the scriptures. Because what we will find as an overwhelming theme of scripture is that through it all…good, bad, peace, conflict, certainties, uncertainties, triumphs, tragedies, persecutions, health, sickness, plagues, viruses, and even in death, GOD…IS…WITH…US!
Genesis 3 – God is with Adam and Eve in the Garden. Providing for them. Even in their sin we see His kindness in clothing them (God is with us!)
Exodus 13:31-22 – As God’s people left Egypt, God led them by day in a pillar of cloud and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light. (God is with us!)
Exodus 35 – As the people of Israel continued their trek through the wilderness, God gave Moses very specific instructions for how to build a tabernacle, or a tent. This tabernacle would be where God’s presence would dwell with His people. (God is with us!)
1 Kings 6 – Solomon was commissioned to build the Temple where God’s presence would dwell among the people. (God is with us!)
John 1 – When Christ comes He is the word made flesh that now dwells among us. He is the true light that has come into the world. Christ “condescended”, willingly came and pitched his tent (tabernacled) among us. (God is with us!)
Mark 4 – The storm raged but remember that Christ is in the boat with you. (God is with us!)
Acts 2 – At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit comes and indwells the hearts of believers. (God is with us!)
Revelation – At His second coming, Jesus Christ, will be with us forever. (God is with us!)
Matthew 28: 20 reminds us that God is not only with us, but He is with us…ALWAYS! Brothers and sisters be reminded that God is not far away, He is intimately close. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13:8). Whatever else this Pandemic brings cling to Christ and His promises. He will never leave you, nor forsake you. He is in control. Cast your cares on Him, because He cares for you (1 Pet 5:7).
In Christ,
Francis Tobias