
Praying Like Christ

John 17:1-26

Nick Haight

June 28, 2009

The Father's Plan and the Death of His Son (Part 1)

John 17:1-5

Nick Haight

July 5, 2009

The Father's Plan and the Death of His Son (Part 2)

John 17:1-5

Nick Haight

July 5, 2009

How Christ Saves His People: Mercy


Nick Haight

July 12, 2009

How Christ Saves His People: Election


Nick Haight

July 19, 2009

How Christ Saves His People: Redemption


Nick Haight

July 26, 2009

How Christ Saves His People: Renewal


Nick Haight

August 2, 2009

How Christ Prays for His People

John 17:6-10

Nick Haight

September 13, 2009

How Christ Prays for His People: Loyalty to His Name

John 17:11-16

Nick Haight

September 20, 2009

How Christ Prays for His People: Sanctified in Truth

John 17:17-19

Nick Haight

September 27, 2009

United in Christ

John 17:20-23

Nick Haight

October 4, 2009

Reunited in Glory

John 17:24

Nick Haight

October 11, 2009

How Christ Saves His People: Perseverance

John 17:24

Nick Haight

October 18, 2009

The Glory of Christ in the Garden

John 17:11

Nick Haight

January 10, 2010

The Courage of Christ in the Garden

John 17:11

Nick Haight

January 17, 2010

The Faithful Savior of Sinners

John 18:12-27

Nick Haight

January 31, 2010

Christ’s faithfulness is the reason all sinners can have hope.

The Gracious Savior of Sinners

John 18:15-18; 25-27

Nick Haight

February 7, 2010

The Kingdom of God: Christ our Glorious King

John 18:28-38

Nick Haight

February 21, 2010

Because Christ is a glorious King, we can faithfully serve Him without fear or regret.

The Kingdom of God: Rejoicing in Christ's Glorious Kingdom

John 18:36

Nick Haight

February 28, 2010

Because Christ’s glorious kingdom has come, we should rejoice and respond to Christ’s invitation to enter into it.

Beholding Christ

John 19:1-7

Nick Haight

April 11, 2010

Behold Christ and be drawn by His majesty, humbled by His righteousness and saved by His grace.

Man's Accountability to God (Part 1)

John 19:8-12

Nick Haight

April 18, 2010

God holds all men accountable to believe the truth about Jesus, submit to the authority of Jesus, and to receive the pardon offered in Jesus.

Man's Accountability to God (Part 2)

John 19:8-12

Nick Haight

April 25, 2010

God holds all men accountable to believe the truth about Jesus, submit to the authority of Jesus, and to receive the pardon offered in Jesus.

God's Faithful Love in Christ

John 19:13-16

Nick Haight

May 3, 2010

God always uses our rejection of Him to proclaim His faithfulness to us.

Christ Handed Over for Us

John 19:16

Nick Haight

May 16, 2010

The glorious truth behind the cross is that what men did in wickedness, God first did out of love.

Christ the Hope for Helpless Sinners

John 18:19

Nick Haight

May 23, 2010

The hope for every helpless sinner is that Christ saves all who truly seek Him.

The Sign of Christ

John 19:19-22

Nick Haight

May 30, 2010

The sign of Christ should sober us and prepare us but mostly it should encourage us, for by it God declares His Son to be the world’s savior, sin-bearer and sovereign king.

The Suffering Savior

John 19:23-25

Nick Haight

June 6, 2010

Christ suffered the penalty we deserved to secure a salvation we should have been denied.

Christ's Compassion from the Cross

John 19:25-27

Nick Haight

June 20, 2010

Notice Christ’s compassion for Mary and John from the cross and know that Christ has compassion for you.

Valuable Truths from Christ Thirst

John 19:28

Nick Haight

July 4, 2010

The Holy Spirit has highlighted Christ’s thirst on the cross so that we would learn three important truths that will help you to live for Christ in this world.

"It is Finished": Adoring your Redeemer (Part 1)

John 19:30

Nick Haight

July 11, 2010

Understanding the work Christ accomplished on the cross will result in you adoring your Redeemer deeply and daily.

"It is Finished": Adoring your Redeemer (Part 2)

John 19:30

Nick Haight

July 18, 2010

Understanding the work Christ accomplished on the cross will result in you adoring your Redeemer deeply and daily.

"It is Finished": Praising Christ our Peace

John 19:30

Nick Haight

July 25, 2010

Understanding the reconciliation Christ accomplished on the cross will result in you praising Christ your peace.

"It is Finished": Loving the Lamb Slain for His People

John 19:30

Nick Haight

August 29, 2010

The Lamb of God was slain to make your salvation certain, not possible.

The Folly of Following Christ Secretly

John 19:38-42

Nick Haight

October 17, 2010

Following Christ secretly is foolish for it brings little assurance and lingering regrets.

Convincing Reasons for Christ's Resurrection

John 20:1-10

Nick Haight

October 24, 2010

It was not the absence of a body that convinced John of Christ’s resurrection, but the compelling evidence of the linen wrappings.

Finding Your Hope in Christ

John 20:11-16

Nick Haight

November 7, 2010

Hope in Christ is the product of love, truth, faith and grace.

Knowing Peace in Christ

John 20:19-21

Nick Haight

December 5, 2010

There is no peace apart from knowing Christ.

Making Christ’s Mission Your Own (Part 1)

John 20:21-23

Nick Haight

December 12, 2010

Because God’s plan in saving you includes sending you, make Christ’s mission your own.

Making Christ’s Mission Your Own (Part 2)

John 20:21-23

Nick Haight

December 19, 2010

Because God’s plan in saving you includes sending you, make Christ’s mission your own.

God’s Gift to Believe in Christ

John 20:24-28

Nick Haight

January 30. 2011

Saving faith is not self-generated devotion to Jesus, but the gift of God to believe in and worship Christ who died for you.

God’s Blessing on Believers in Christ

John 20:26-29

Nick Haight

February 6, 2011

God blesses those who believe Him on the basis of His word and then live in light of it.

God’s Provision for Belief in Christ

John 20:30-31

Nick Haight

February 13, 2011

Through John, God has provided an adequate witness so that you may believe in Christ and receive eternal life.

Serving by Christ’s Power and Provision (Part 1)

John 21:1-14

Nick Haight

May 1, 2011

When you serve the Lord by His power and provision, you will serve faithfully, dependently, passionately, and confidently.

Serving by Christ’s Power and Provision (Part 2)

John 21:1-14

Nick Haight

May 8, 2011

When you serve the Lord by His power and provision, you will serve faithfully, dependently, passionately, and confidently.

Loving the Shepherd Sincerely

John 21:15-17

Nick Haight

May 22, 2011

Those who love the shepherd sincerely will serve His sheep faithfully.

Serving His Sheep Faithfully

John 21:15-17

Nick Haight

May 29, 2011

Those who love the Shepherd sincerely will serve His sheep faithfully.

Forgiven and Justified in Christ

John 21:15-17

Nick Haight

June 5, 2011

Sin cannot sideline those who know the Lord has justified and forgiven them.

Glorifying God Today Tomorrow and to the End

John 21:18-19

Nick Haight

June 12, 2011

Faithfully serve Christ today, completely trust Christ for tomorrow, and, by God’s grace, gloriously follow Christ to the end.

You Must Follow Me

John 21:20-23

Nick Haight

July 3, 2011

Those who choose today to follow Christ whoever, whatever, wherever, and whenever will enjoy forever true relationship, reward, contentment, and hope.

Christ-Glorifying Responses to John’s Gospel

John 21:24-25

Nick Haight

July 10, 2011

Christ will be glorified if you trust the testimony, share the message and follow the Savior of John’s Gospel.